Games For A Living Games For A Living 2023-02-13

Key Statistics

Audits : 1
Market Caps : $0
24h Rate : 0

Audit History

Games For A Living

Published Manual Review
REQUEST DATE 2023-02-13
DESCRIPTION The Games For A Living file has been audited by the Sysfixed team, the audit was done according to the smart contract code at If in the future there is a proxy contract or a change to a new smart contract version for the project, then it will not be included in the scope of the audit.

Score Detail

Deep Analysis
Overall, the Games For A Living smart contract code project has a standard code with no high-risk issues found. Based on market volatility or chain analysis, this project has immense potential to get more holders' attention. From the codebase smart contract, we found such a big potential project.
Static Analysis
The Games For A Living codebase smart contract uses standard base code but still has a lot of low-risk issues.
On-Chain Analysis
The Games For A Living market increased at the beginning of the coin's release. A few holders are searching for an early call on this coin. It is expected to increase investor interest and engagement in this project. Based on increased market value, large-cap cryptocurrencies are safe crypto investments which show that the market is relatively promising in the long term.
Market Volatility
The Games For A Living market is quite promising for holders. A few holders are searching for an early call on this coin, which is a good response for the Games For A Living market coin. The Prices will barely increase too.